If you’re a heavyweight boxer, a motorcycle stuntman, or just someone who might have an unexpected accident someday, you are at risk of knocking out one of your pearly whites. Nobody wants or expects it to happen, but knowing what to do when it does can make the difference between saving the tooth and needing an artificial dental restoration. Here are some useful tips to keep in mind if you ever find yourself on the way to your emergency dentist after knocking out a tooth!
Don’t Touch the Root of a Dislodged Tooth
Teeth have two main parts: the crown, which is the visible part that sits above the gumline, and the root, which is hidden beneath the gumline—at least until the tooth is displaced. Only ever touch or hold a dislodged tooth by the crown. The root contains delicate tissues vital to reimplantation, and any further stress on them can decrease the chances of the tooth being saved. Hot, cold, or running water can also damage these crucial tissues. If the tooth is dirty, clean it by gently swishing it in a bowl of lukewarm water.
Preparing the Tooth for Transport
Do not wrap the tooth in a cloth, as the fibers can hurt the tissues in the root. If you can, place the tooth root-downward back into its socket and hold it in place by biting down on it through gauze or with your fingers. If this is not possible, hold it in your lip or cheek. Otherwise, keep it in a container with some saliva or milk. You can buy special products that can keep a tooth in savable condition for up to twenty-four hours at a store or pharmacy, so you might want to stock up on those for your first-aid kit.
Get the Tooth to the Emergency Dentist
Time is of the essence when you’re dealing with a knocked-out tooth, and chances of successful reimplantation are best if you get to a dentist within one hour of it happening. It’s ideal to have your dentist’s emergency number in your address book ahead of time so you can give the office a call to let them know you’re coming. If the tooth loss happens after hours, you can head to the emergency room instead so you can get pain relievers and your tooth treated so it can be kept in savable condition until you get to the dentist.
Dislodging a tooth can be a stressful and frightening situation, but knowing what to do and keeping cool can help you bring the crisis to the best possible conclusion. Your dentist is well-equipped to deal with the issue, and getting there in time can keep your smile complete and beautiful.
About the Author
Dr. Nicholas Brong completed his Doctor of Dental Surgery at the University of California, San Francisco, and has pursued a great deal of advanced education and training opportunities. He proudly serves as a member of the American Dental Association, the Minnesota Dental Association, and SPEAR Education. His office in Rochester, MN offers general, pediatric, cosmetic, restorative, and emergency dentistry. If you have dislodged a tooth and need help, dial (507) 288-1066, or contact his office online to schedule an appointment.