Regain Your Confidence with a Beautiful Smile

May 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 2:09 am
Smiling, successful man feels confident after visiting his cosmetic dentist

How many times have you laughed today? It’s estimated that adults laugh an average of 16 times a day. Unfortunately, you may find it difficult to fully enjoy the moment if you’re embarrassed by the look of your teeth. In fact, studies show that an overwhelming number of people who don’t like their smiles try to avoid laughing or smiling altogether. Does this sound familiar? If you want to improve your confidence, start with a trip to your cosmetic dentist and get a set of pearly whites you can’t wait to show off!


What to Consider When Looking for an Emergency Dentist

May 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 4:21 pm
Tooth and medical kit for a dental emergency

Thinking every dental office is the same can be a costly mistake – especially when you’re suffering from a dental emergency. You won’t have time to shop around for a new dentist while your teeth and gums are in danger, so you should already have a good idea of where you can go to get the care you need when it matters most. The following 5 factors can make all the difference when it comes to finding an emergency dentist; make sure you keep them in mind while you’re looking for a new practice!


Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Dental Hygiene Appointments

April 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 8:42 pm
A dentist inspects a mouth for oral cancer

If you do a good job of keeping your teeth clean at home, you might think that a dental checkup is unnecessary. After all, why should you go to the dentist if your teeth are already clean? The truth is that these appointments are for more than just cleaning your teeth. They provide your dentist with an opportunity to detect the presence of other issues in your mouth before they become dangerous. One of these is oral cancer, and there are about 50,000 new cases of it annually. Read on to find out how your dentist plays a role in stopping oral cancer before it becomes serious.


The Best Ways to Avoid Dental Emergencies During COVID-19

April 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 7:59 pm
Woman with tooth pain in white shirt

During this uncertain time, you’re probably staying home at all cost to avoid contact with the coronavirus. You may be taking certain precautions to stay healthy, but there are some additional steps you can take to protect your teeth. The last thing you need right now is a dental emergency, which is why your dentist wants to give you an easy way to minimize your risk of harming your smile! Keep reading to learn about the foods you should avoid during quarantine for a safe set of teeth.


6 Reasons to Leave Braces to Your Professional

March 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 2:05 pm
worried person with their hands over their mouth

Straightening your teeth has never been known to be comfortable or convenient, which is what gave bloggers and social media influencers the idea to save money and simply give themselves orthodontic treatments. Even though forging an appliance out of paperclips, super glue, and other household items may be the cheaper treatment, it can cause huge problems for your smile down the road. Read on to learn six reasons why it’s smarter to leave your orthodontic treatment to your dentist instead of attempting to do it yourself.


Keep Your Smile Safe with These 3 Oral Health Habits

March 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 5:13 pm
Clean teeth habits; brushing teeth with electric toothbrush

You visit your dentist at least twice a year for a checkup and cleaning; surely that’s enough to help your smile last, right? Wrong. As important as these visits are, they won’t be enough to keep your teeth and gums healthy if you’re not taking care of your mouth in the meantime. If you don’t want to become one of the thousands of Americans who suffer from gum disease and lost teeth, take control of your oral health today with these 3 clean teeth habits.


Save Your Smile! How to Handle a Dental Emergency

February 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 3:19 pm
Woman with tooth pain

Whether it’s a blow to the mouth that knocked out a tooth or sudden persistent oral pain, a dental emergency can happen at any time. You can take simple steps to try and prevent these problems, of course (such as brushing every day or wearing a mouthguard), but when the worst does happen, it’s important not to panic; you need to focus on keeping your smile as safe and comfortable as possible until you can see your dentist. Keep reading to learn how to recognize dental emergencies – and more importantly, how you can treat them before your appointment!  


What’s the Connection Between Gum Disease and Heart Health?

February 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 9:48 pm
3D heart shape sitting next to a stethoscope

When you think about keeping your heart healthy, do you think about flossing? Probably not, but a growing body of research implies that we should. Numerous studies confirm that your oral health influences your general wellbeing, as well as vice versa. Recently, experts have begun to examine the relationship between the gums and the heart, and you may find yourself flossing more often after learning the results. Here’s what you need to know about the connection between gum disease and heart health.


Why Is Flossing So Important?

January 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 1:38 pm
person flossing

When was the last time you flossed? If it was more than even 24 hours ago, that’s far too long. When you go without flossing for just a single day, bacteria in your mouth begin to accumulate between your teeth and along your gumline, which can result in health problems like gum disease. In order to keep these problems at bay, it’s important to floss every day. A dentist is here to talk more about flossing and how important it is.


5 Tips to Protect Yourself From Gum Disease

January 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 3:28 pm
parent and child brushing their teeth together

According to surveys conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of every two adults in the United States suffers from gum disease. Without the proper treatment and dental hygiene regimen, this condition can cause permanent damage to your mouth and embarrassing symptoms like chronic bad breath. Many people aren’t aware that this disease is highly preventable, and as long as you take measures to protect your mouth, you will be safe from it. Read on for five tips from your dentist to protect yourself from gum disease.

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