Do you find yourself breathing through your mouth when your nose is stuffed up or you’re wearing a mask? You’re not alone. However, your nose acts like an air filter, produces nitric oxide, and strengthens your immune system, making it the preferred method. Plus, there are some serious consequences that come with chronic mouth breathing. Keep reading to learn what they are and how your dentist can help!
(more…)The Serious Dangers of Mouth Breathing
July 31, 2021
How To: Sleep Soundly with a Toothache
July 16, 2021
After a long day, you get under the covers, lay back on your pillow, and close your eyes. However, instead of peacefully drifting off to sleep, you lay awake as your toothache begins to throb. Sound familiar? Normally, priority number one would be to call your dentist’s office for an emergency visit. However, since they most likely aren’t open, keep reading for a few tips for sleeping peacefully with a nagging toothache at night.
(more…)4 TikTok Recipes Your Tastebuds & Your Teeth Will Love
June 30, 2021
With over 20% of Americans using the app, it’s not surprising that TikTok is one of the most popular apps today. In fact, it was the most downloaded app in 2020! One of the popular categories is food-related videos, which focus on aesthetically pleasing, easy-to-make snacks to satisfy your cravings. But which TikTok recipes will your tastebuds and your teeth enjoy? Let’s find out.
(more…)4 Ways to Safeguard Your Smile While On Vacation
June 9, 2021
No matter where you and your family plan to vacation this summer, it’s important that you have everything you need to ensure the health and safety of you and those you love. To prevent dental emergencies while you’re away, you’ll want to take special precautions, especially if you have young children with you. To prepare you for your trip and minimize the risk of making a sudden visit to a local emergency dentist, here are 4 things you can do to better protect your smile.
(more…)True or False: Tooth Pain Is Considered a Dental Emergency
May 28, 2021
OUCH! You immediately regret your first sip of coffee as you feel a surge of pain ring through your tooth. Sound familiar? From mild sensitivity to persistent throbbing, toothaches can make it difficult to chew, drink, and even sleep. But is it considered a dental emergency? Keep reading for the answer.
(more…)How to Tell If You Need a Dental Filling
May 2, 2021
Do you think that you might need to have a dental filling placed? This restoration is used to fix teeth that have become damaged by decay, an injury, or another oral health issue. It involves your dentist administering a local anesthetic to the area, if necessary, before removing any damaged parts of the tooth. After cleaning the area, a filling material is added in order to restore the structure. Here are some common symptoms that could mean that you are in need of a filling.
(more…)Are Teeth Cleanings Painful?
April 7, 2021
When was the last time you went to the dentist to have your teeth cleaned? For most people, it is recommended to see a dentist every six months for regular cleanings and checkups to keep up excellent oral health. If it has been a while since your last dental visit, you may not remember exactly what you can expect by the time your appointment comes up. Many patients wonder: do teeth cleanings hurt? Continue reading to find out more.
(more…)Why It’s Important to Protect Your Lips This Summer
April 3, 2021
The temperatures are rising, pools are opening, and families are preparing to jet off for a week of fun on the beach. With summer rapidly approaching, it’s important that you protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful rays of the sun. While you may be thinking more about preventing burns on your back or legs, you should also be mindful of how to protect your lips from the sun. A local dentist shares helpful tips to keep in mind when venturing outdoors this summer.
(more…)5 Popular Trends That Can Harm Your Smile
March 25, 2021
Have you been known to try out some of the latest fads that you see circulating online? Many of them have health benefits and they can help you reach certain goals, like weight loss. However, you may not think about how they affect your smile. It is important to consider your dental health whenever you are trying out a new diet or trend. After all, the mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body. Continue reading to learn about some of the latest popular trends and why they aren’t all a great thing for your smile.
(more…)Do You Know When It’s Time to Replace Your Veneers?
March 5, 2021
When choosing veneers to transform your smile, you might assume that as long as you take proper care of your new teeth, you’ll never need to have them replaced. While this would be a nice thought, the truth is that it simply not the case. At some point, no matter how well you’ve maintained your results, replacing veneers is inevitable. But how will you know when it’s the right time? Are there certain signs to look for that will dictate when you should get in to see your cosmetic dentist? A professional explains when it’s best to have them replaced to ensure you maintain a beautiful smile.