Is it Possible to Put a Knocked-Out Tooth in Its Socket Again?

June 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 11:17 am
Man with a knocked-out tooth

You’re likely scared if you just had one of your teeth knocked out. Maybe you fear that your injury will result in infection, or that you’ll be stuck with a new gap in your smile. Whatever the case, it’s understandable to feel shocked by your lost tooth. However, there’s still hope — you may be able to put it back in its socket again! To learn how, here’s a summary of what to do for a knocked-out tooth from your Rochester dentist.


3 Possible Causes for the Bump on Your Gums

June 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 11:11 am
Child with bump on gums

Various gum issues could be considered a dental emergency. Pain, irritation, bleeding, redness — these tend to be serious and call for a trip to your local dentist. However, a gum lump isn’t as straightforward. It typically isn’t anything to worry about, but they do occasionally point to significant conditions. If you’re dealing with a bump on your gums in Rochester, then, it’s better to be safe than sorry: here are three possible causes for your issue and signs you need a dentist.


Does Gum Disease Raise Blood Pressure?

May 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 1:59 pm
Doctor taking patient's blood pressure

Blood plays a vital role in your health, supplying essential nutrients and oxygen to your organs. Unsurprisingly, people watch out for anything that could harm its circulation — including high blood pressure. Many are attentive to their nutrition, exercise, and stress levels to counter the latter. However, did you know poor gum health is a risk factor for high blood pressure too?

Here’s a summary of the connection between gum disease and blood pressure, including ways to prevent the former. Read on to ensure that poor oral health doesn’t hurt your heart!


What Should You Expect During an Emergency Dental Visit?

May 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 1:54 pm

Let’s say you’ve developed a sudden, sharp pain in your teeth or gums. That alone can seem like a scary experience. However, responding by seeing an emergency dentist might feel scarier — especially if it’s your first time doing so. “Will the visit be like a regular dental appointment? “Will it involve different processes?” “Can I handle everything involved in it?” Such unknowns can quickly induce fear and stress.

Here are three things to expect from an emergency dental visit. Learn them so you can ease your dental anxiety!


Can Dental Implants Become Stained Like My Natural Teeth?

April 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 8:07 pm
Dental implants.

Dental implants allow you to experience the smile of your dreams—these tiny posts can enhance the look, feel, and functionality of your pearly whites and give you an unparalleled boost in confidence! However, you might be wondering if your implants are susceptible to staining and discoloration, just like your natural teeth. Keep reading to learn more.


Should I Rinse My Mouth After Brushing?

April 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 4:45 pm
Girl rinsing her mouth after brushing.

When it comes to keeping your mouth clean and preventing oral health problems, brushing your teeth twice a day is crucial! But after you’ve finished brushing your pearly whites, excess toothpaste or bits of debris can sometimes remain, and many people instinctively rinse out their mouths when they’re done brushing. But are you supposed to do this? Keep reading to learn more about this habit and what’s at work inside your mouth.  


What’s the Relationship Between Seasonal Allergies and Dental Health?

March 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 8:24 pm
Woman with seasonal allergies illustration

With the arrival of spring, you have probably stocked up on tissues and other key items to help you survive seasonal allergies. Millions of Americans experience them each year but may not know they affect oral health too. The good news is several measures can be taken to relieve your symptoms. Continue reading to learn from your dentist in Rochester how seasonal allergies and dental health are related, as well as how you can protect your smile.


What Is Oral Thrush & How Do I Get Rid of It?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 8:14 pm
oral thrush on tongue

If you’ve ever woken up with a white tongue or maybe your mouth felt rough to the point it reminded you of cotton or even sandpaper, you might have been dealing with a case of oral thrush. It’s most often seen either in children with still-developing immune systems or older adults whose immune systems are starting to fail. The white film in your mouth due to thrush will typically go away on its own but keep reading to learn some home remedies to help speed up recovery or alleviate pain from your dentist in Rochester.


5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After Dental Implant Surgery

February 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 9:27 pm
patient smiling after getting dental implant surgery

Deciding that you want to get dental implants to replace one or more missing teeth is a great way to fill in your smile and prevent oral health issues from developing. These small titanium posts fuse with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration, which makes them the only permanent tooth replacement option. Once your implants have been placed, it’s crucial to make sure that you take good care of them. To help you avoid behaviors that can impede the healing process, here are five things you should avoid doing after dental implant surgery.


5 Tips to Prepare for ClearCorrect Treatment

February 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbrong @ 10:08 pm
person holding ClearCorrect, giving thumbs up, and smiling

After weighing the pros and cons of whether traditional metal braces or clear aligners is the best option for your smile, you finally decided to go with the latter. Though you’re excited to begin treatment, you’ve never done anything like this before and aren’t sure what to expect. To help ease some of your concerns and help you feel ready for treatment, here are five tips on how to prepare for ClearCorrect.

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