There’s no doubt about it — summer is here. As the temperatures rise and the sun shines brightly in the sky, a cool drink on a warm day is an absolute must-have. You have several options for chilled refreshments, like sodas, sports drinks, and energy drinks. Although they may seem like the ideal beverage to help you cool down, they can leave a lasting mark on your smile, even long after the summer months have passed. Instead, your dentist recommends drinking more water to stay hydrated and support a healthy smile.
Summer is Here: Skip the Sodas & Energy Drinks
June 28, 2020
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4 Benefits of Seeing a Family Dentist
June 5, 2020

Looking for ways to make life simpler? Tired of wasting valuable time and money on running all over town to different dental appointments? Feeling frustrated by the fact that you or your child need a referral for various services? If this sounds like you, it might be time to consider why it’s best to see a family dentist. Spend a few minutes learning about a few of the many benefits you can expect to receive when you opt for one professional to take care of everyone you love.
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